Thursday 9 May 2024

Salesforce AI Associate Certification - 3

What is semantic retrieval in the context of LLMs? 

Searching for relevant information in other data sources

What additional protection does the Trust Layer add to customer data? 

Data masking

What are prompt Défense guardrails in LLMs for? 

Decreasing the likelihood of unintended or harmful output

Supervised learning is typically used with what type of data? 

Structured data

What does supervise learning aim to do? 

Verify output with known, expected results

What is the primary function of classifications? 

Categorize data into groups

What are the key features of Einstein Bots in Salesforce's Service Cloud? 

Automatic issue resolution, case field prediction, and AI-driven customer service

What does Einstein Vision for Field Service automate? 

Image classification for quicker issue resolution on-site

What is a bot in the context of AI? 

An application that automates standard tasks

What is one not a concern related to LLMs and AI-generated content? 

Decreasing carbon footprint of AI models

What is the definition of generative AI? 

Technology that creates new content based on a set of data

What is a key difference between generative AI and predictive AI? 

Generative AI focuses on generating content, while predictive AI predicts future events

What is the goal of part of speech tagging in NLP? 

Identifying the underlying grammatical structure of a sentence

Which technique in NLP focuses on reducing words to their root while considering the part of speech? 

Identifying the underlying grammatical structure of a sentence

What does sentiment analysis involve? 

Determining whether a text expresses a positive, negative or neutral sentiment

What is the primary goal of change management in AI deployment? 

Ensuring the success of new initiatives

What is Einstein Next Best Action a part of within the Salesforce ecosystem? 

Einstein Platform

What tasks can an AI solution for sales teams perform?  

Eliminating time-consuming busywork

What are the Five Trusted AI Principles at Salesforce? 

Responsible, Accountable, Transparent, Empowering, Inclusive

What are the guidelines for Trusted Generative AI related to? 

AI bias mitigation

What does a model card provide important details about? 

AI model characteristics

Which Salesforce AI feature aids in reducing data entry and activity logging for sales reps? 

Einstein Automated Contacts

What does Einstein Opportunity Insights provide to sales reps? 

Intelligent updates about opportunities

What are the key principles outlined in the guidelines for Trusted Generative AI? 

Accuracy, Safety, Transparency, Empowerment, Sustainability

What occurs in overfitting when creating predictive models? 

Memorizing unnecessary details

How does underfitting affect statistical algorithms in modeling? 

Inability to capture underlying patterns

What defines raw data in the context of data analysis? 

Data yet to be processed or modified

What defines Einstein Knowledge within Salesforce? 

A solution providing AI-guided article and solution suggestions

What distinguishes Einstein Vision from Einstein Prediction? 

Einstein Vision handles image recognition, while Einstein Prediction focuses on forecasting

Which Salesforce feature highlights the synergy between AI and human capabilities? 


What term describes the challenge faced by businesses in identifying AI-generated profiles that

interact with real users, making it challenging to detect bot networks? 

User Spoofing

What advantage does producing multiple versions of an output provide for generative AI? 

Assisting in choosing the best output version

In what way can generative AI assist when the product description is available? 

Adjusting the tone and voice of the existing description

Which aspects are crucial considerations in AI implementation? 

Data Quality, Data Cleansing and Data Governance

What poses challenges for humans in interpreting AI decisions? 

The complexity of algorithms and reliance on large datasets

What ethical challenges are commonly associated with AI? 

Human bias in algorithms and lack of transparency in decision processes

What crucial role does considering privacy concerns play in handling AI and CRM data? 

Ensures compliance with laws and regulations

To enforce the requirement of having a phone number and pin code for each new contact, which feature should the data quality expert at Salesforcegeek Inc. Use? 

Validation rule

Which practice aligns with Salesforce's Trusted AI Principle of Inclusivity? 

Testing models with diverse datasets

What term describes the process of breaking sentences into separate units, often done by splitting words based on spaces in the English language? 


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Salesforce AI Associate Certification - 3

What is semantic retrieval in the context of LLMs?   Searching for relevant information in other data sources What additional protection do...