Monday 25 March 2024

Salesforce Admin - 4

 Can we convert Lookup to Master-Detail?

Yes, but first you need to populate values in lookup field on each record available on the object.

Can we convert Master-Detail to Lookup?

Yes, but if you have created rollup summary fields then you need to delete those fields before converting master-detail to lookup.

Many-to-Many Relationship?

This can be implemented with the help of Junction Object.

Example :

Object 1 : Class

Object 2 : Student

Junction Object : Create lookup/master-detail field one related to Class and another related to Student Object.

What is Formula Field?

A read-only field that derives its value from a formula expression you define. The formula field is updated when any of the source fields change.

Difference b/w Picklist and Multi-select Picklist ?

  • Picklist - User can select one option.
  • Multi-Select Picklist - User can select one or more option together.

What is Global Picklist ValueSet?

Global picklist value set can be used by any picklist or multi-select picklist in any object.

What is Field Dependency?

  • Create a dependent relationship that causes the values in a picklist or multi-select picklist to be dynamically filtered based on the value selected by the user in another field.
  • The field that drives filtering is called the "controlling field." Standard and custom checkboxes and picklists with at least one and less than 300 values can be controlling fields.
  • The field that has its values filtered is called the "dependent field." Custom picklists and multi-select picklists can be dependent fields.

What is Page Layout?

Page layout is used to display field values for records.

Through page layout we can control related lists as well.

What is Compact Layout?

Compact Layout is used to display selected fields and buttons on the page. It is also shown when we hover on the lookup relationship field.

What is Related List?

When lookup and master-detail relationship fields are created then on parent object related lists will be available. Through related list we can view child object records on parent object.

Types of Lightning Pages?

  • App Page
  • Home Page
  • Record Page

Component Visibility?

Component Visibility helps to apply filter criteria to control whether component should be visible on the page or not.

What is Validation Rule?

To apply custom validation we can build validation rules.

Validation rule fires when the defined criteria matches upon record insert, update.

What is Feed Tracking?

Feed Tracking enables to track changes of selected fields and related record fields as well. Changes are shown in the chatter component. It shows old value, new value and who changed.

What is Salesforce?

  • Salesforce is the world’s most popular CRM system.
  • Many companies and customers rely on this dynamic, web-based,low-cost CRM platform.
  • It was founded in March 1999 by former Oracle executive Marc Benioff.
  • Salesforce CRM provides a complete feature-rich solutions for marketing, sales, services, health, non-profit, education, partner & community management etc.

What is CRM?

  • It stands for Customer Relationship Management
  • Broadly defined, CRM is a strategy for managing a company’s interactions with clients and sales prospects and ensuring ‘connect’ sustains throughout the relation.

Editions in Salesforce?

  • Personal Edition
  • Group Edition
  • Professional Edition
  • Enterprise Edition
  • Performance Edition
  • Unlimited Edition
  • Developer Edition
  • Contact Manager Edition

Licenses in Salesforce?

  • Salesforce Users
  • Salesforce Platform and Lightning Platform Users
  • Chatter Plus Users (Chatter Only), Chatter Free Users, Chatter External Users
  • Customer Community, Customer Community Plus, and Partner Community External Users
  • Portal Users who are a member of a Salesforce Community

What is Field?

  • A fields is like a database column.
  • There are various data types are available in Salesforce to create fields.
  • By entering values in fields, we create a record in Salesforce.
  • Field can be standard as well as custom.

What is Tab?

  • Clicking on Tabs we can navigate around an app.
  • Every tab serves as the starting point for viewing, editing and entering information for a specific object.
  • When we click a tab, the corresponding home page that object appears.
  • For example, if we click the Accounts tab, the Accounts tab home page appears. It gives you access to all of the account records. We can view details of a particular record by click on it.

What is App?

  • An App is a container for all the objects, tabs and other functionality.
  • It is similar to a programming project where we keep all our code files.
  • In Salesforce App consists simply of a name, a logo, and an ordered set of tabs.

What is Record?

  • Records are the rows(entries) in object which are uniquely identified by there ids.
  • We can create records by entering values in fields available in an object.
  • We can create, edit, view and delete a record in Salesforce.

Standard Navigation and Console Navigation Apps?

Standard Navigation opens one record at a time on the Page where as in Console Navigation if you open more than one records so they are opened in sub tabs together.

Name Datatypes to create fields?

  • Auto Number
  • Formula
  • Roll-up Summary
  • Lookup Relationship
  • Master-Detail Relationship
  • External Lookup Relationship
  • Checkbox
  • Currency
  • Date
  • Date/Time
  • Email
  • Geolocation
  • Number
  • Percent
  • Phone
  • Picklist
  • Picklist (Multi-Select)
  • Text
  • Text Area
  • Text Area (Long)
  • Text Area (Rich)
  • Text (Encrypted)
  • Time
  • URL

What is Lookup Relationship?

  • Creates a relationship that links one object to another object.
  • The relationship field allows users to click on a lookup icon to select a value from a popup list.
  • The other is the source of the values in the list.

What is Master-Detail Relationship?

  • Creates a special type of parent-child relationship between two objects. One is known as child/detail where we create master-detail relationship field and another one is known as parent/master.
  • Required on all detail records.
  • Ownership and sharing of a detail record is determined by the master record.
  • If user deletes the master record then all detail records are deleted.
  • One can create rollup summary fields on the master records so that detail records can be summarized.

What is Rollup Summary Field?

  • A read-only field that displays the sum, minimum or maximum value of a field in a related list.
  • This field also can count all records available in related list. 
  • Rollup Summary field is always created on parent object.

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