Friday 22 March 2024

API Interview Preparation - 2

What is an API?

API stands for "Application Programming Interface".

It is a system that enables communication between different software.

You can think of it as two people speaking different languages communicating through an interpreter. API acts as an interpreter facilitating understanding between two different software and enabling data exchange.

Benefits of API:

  • Security: Establishes a secure connection between two different servers.
  • Speed: Speeds up data exchange.
  • Convenience: Facilitates software development.
  • Saving: Saves time and money.
  • Traffic: Increases the traffic of your website or application.
  • Visibility: Increases the visibility of your website or application.

Types of API:

  • Internal API: APIs used by specific individuals.
  • Open API: APIs open to everyone's use.
  • Partner API: APIs used between two companies.
  • Composite API: APIs that combine multiple APIs.

API Architectures:
  • REST API: The most commonly used API architecture.
  • SOAP API: A more secure API architecture.

Examples of APIs:

  • Google Ads API
  • Facebook API
  • YouTube API
  • WhatsApp Business API


  • Automatic synchronization of a website and a mobile application.
  • Integration of an e-commerce site with payment infrastructure.
  • Connection of a social media platform with other platforms.


The areas we need to check when preparing an API Request: (*) Mandatory fields.

1. HTTP Request Types (Get, Post, Put - Patch, Delete)*
2. Base URL*
3. Endpoint*
4. Request Headers (Location for Additional Information)
5. Params
a. Path
b. Query
6. Request Body (Mandatory for Post)
7. Authorization, Authentication (Token)


1. Status Code

a. 1xx: The server acknowledges receiving your request and starts processing it.

b. 2xx: The server indicates that it has successfully received, understood, and accepted your request.

i. (200  Ok, 201  Created, 202 Accepted, 204  No Content)

c. 3xx: Indicates that additional steps are required to complete your request.

d. 4xx: The server cannot process your request because you may have made it incorrectly.

i. (400-Bad Request, 401-Unauthorized, 403-Forbidden, 404-Not Found, 405-Method not Allowed)

e. 5xx: Indicates that the server cannot process your request due to a server error.

2. Response Headers

3. Response Body (Json) // There are 6 ways to verify the Body.

Validation Response Body

1. response.asString();

2. response.path("GPATH SYNTAX")

3. Jsonpath jsonpath = response.jsonpath();

Jsonpath.getString("GPATH SYNTAX")

4. HamCrestMatchers






5. Json to Java with as() method --> DE-SERIALIZATION


Authentication - Authorization

Authentication - Who is this?

401: Invalid credentials

401: Unauthorized

The API doesn't know who you are.

Authorization - Give permissions

403: You don't have sufficient privileges to perform the operation.

403: Forbidden

The API allows entry but with limited privileges.

API Architectures

API architectures are a set of principles and rules that determine how APIs are designed and developed.

Different API architectures have different advantages and disadvantages. The most commonly used API

architectures are as follows:

1. REST API (Representational State Transfer):

  • It is the most widely used API architecture.
  • It is simple and easy to use.
  • It utilizes HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
  • It uses data formats such as JSON or XML.
  • It is scalable and flexible.

2. SOAP API (Simple Object Access Protocol):

  • It is a more secure API architecture.
  • It is XML-based.
  • It uses standards such as WSDL (Web Service Definition Language).
  • It is more complex and harder to use.

REST: Preferred when speed, flexibility, and simplicity are important.

SOAP: Preferred in situations where security and error management are critical. 

API vs Web Services?

 Both APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and Web Services are ways to communicate between applications. However, they have some important differences:

API (Application Programming Interface)

  • Scope: APIs are more general concepts. They are software interfaces used for any communication protocol and data exchange.
  • Protocols: They can use various protocols including REST, SOAP, GraphQL, and more.
  • Formats: APIs support JSON, XML, and other data formats.
  • Flexibility: APIs are more flexible architecturally and provide a broader range of interaction betweenapplications on different platforms.

Web Services

  • Nature: Web services are a specific subset of APIs.
  • Protocols: They are inherently tied to specific web technologies. They use protocols like SOAP (usually transmitting data in XML format) and less commonly XML-RPC, UDDI, etc.
  • Standards: Web services have stricter standards and protocols.
  • Compatibility: When it comes to cross-platform compatibility with systems built on different technologies, web services may be more restrictive compared to APIs.

In Summary:

All Web Services are APIs, but not all APIs are Web Services. Web Services are more rigid and use mandatory protocols like SOAP and XML. SOAP APIs typically support an XML document called WSDL (Web Service Definition Language) that defines the functionality of the API.

APIs allow for more flexibility with architectures like REST, GraphQL, and offer more options for data formats like JSON.

Which One to Choose?

What you choose will depend on your objectives:

Integrating different platforms: If you need to work with legacy systems using SOAP and require more robust standards, web services might be appropriate.

High flexibility and different protocols: If you need a more flexible architecture or prefer lighter data formats like JSON, APIs are a better choice.

Additional Notes:

In modern usage, the term "API" often refers to web-based APIs like REST APIs. However, APIs do not require network connections (operating system libraries can also be considered APIs).

Web Services are now considered an older technology, and API types like REST have become more popular.

What is Serialization and Deserialization?

Serialization: Serialization is the process of converting the state or structure of an object or data structure in memory into a format suitable for storage. This process is typically done by converting an object or data structure into a format such as JSON, XML, or binary. Serialization allows an object's state to be transferred from memory to disk or over a network while preserving its state.


It is the process of converting an object or data structure into a specific format for storage or transmission purposes.

Deserialization: Deserialization is the opposite of serialization. It involves converting data retrieved from a format (such as JSON or XML) back into its original object or data structure. This process allows data stored or transmitted on disk or over a network to be reconstructed by the program for use in memory.


It is the process of converting a serialized object or data structure back into its original form. Serialization and deserialization are important parts of APIs and allow for data exchange by converting different data types into each other.

Why is it used?

Data Storage: Objects or data structures need to be serialized for storage on disk, in a database, or over a network.

Data Transmission: Objects or data structures need to be serialized to be transferred between different systems or applications.

Interoperability: A common format is used for data exchange between different programming languages and applications.


A Java application can serialize a user object to JSON format and send this JSON data to a web API.

The web API can deserialize the JSON data back to a user object using deserialization and store this object in a database.

What is an Endpoint?

  • It is a specific address that provides access to a service or resource.
  • An Endpoint is the entry point for a request made to an API.
  • Endpoints retrieve specific data or trigger operations that modify data on the server.
  • Endpoints specify the type of request using HTTP methods.

What are XML and JSON concepts?

XML (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language used to define and store data.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): It is a lightweight data interchange format used to represent data. Data is stored in a "Key" and "Value" format

  • Feature                         XML                                             JSON
  • Complexity         More complex.                                 Simpler.
  • Readability         Less readable.                             More readable.
  • Flexibility             Less flexible.                                 More flexible.
  • Performance         Slower.                                              Faster.
  • Data Types           Supports  more                         Supports fewer 

XML  Use CasesUsed in areas such as web services,  configuration files, data transmission.

JSON Use CasesUsed in areas such as web APIs, NoSQL databases, data interchange with JavaScript.


Gson is a Java library developed by Google for converting Java objects to JSON (serialization) and JSON to Java objects (deserialization).

  • JSON is a data interchange format, while Gson is a Java serialization/deserialization library.
  • JSON is simple and works across different platforms. Gson is specifically designed for Java and offers more flexibility


Swagger is an open-source software used for designing, documenting, and testing APIs. With features like easy design and creation, standard format, and live testing, it makes your API more usable and developer-friendly.

How to Test an API?

As a tester we send a API request and verify the status code, response body and checking the endpoints of the api URL is working as expected

  • Pozitive - I send valid requests, headers, parameters, and JSON bodies, and verify that the response is 200/201.
  • Negative - I send invalid requests, headers, parameters, and bodies, expecting the response not to be 200.

How to Test a REST API?

  • API Validation: Making sure each REST API endpoint works as expected.
  • Postman: A popular API platform for manual testing.
  • Rest Assured: A library for automating API tests with Java


  • HTTP Requests: Sending requests to API endpoints using various HTTP methods like POST, PUT, GET, DELETE.
  • Response Verification: Checking if the API returns the correct status codes (200, 400, 401, 500, etc.) and if the response content is as expected. Headers can also be verified.
  • Positive and Negative Testing:

    • Positive Tests: Testing with valid request parameters, headers, and JSON bodies to verify that the API works as expected in successful scenarios (200 status code and correct JSON response).
    • Negative Tests: Testing with invalid request parameters, headers, and JSON bodies to verify that the API handles error scenarios (non-200 status codes and error messages) correctly.


Comprehensive testing using different HTTP methods. Preparation of positive and negative test scenarios. Verification of HTTP response codes, response bodies, and headers. Use of appropriate tools for manual testing (Postman) and automated testing (Rest Assured).


RestAssured is an easy-to-use, flexible, and comprehensive open-source library for testing REST APIs in Java. With RestAssured, you can test the functionality of API endpoints, verify expected responses and error codes, and create automated test scenarios.


One of the ways to verify the response body. 

Jsonpath jsonpath = response.jsonpath();

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